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Help our community move forward

Support these non-profit organisations by making donations

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Acces is a non-profit organisation that aims to level the playing field. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Having access to resources that impact your chances of reaching that potential is unfortunately still difficult for some. We as an organisation take deep personal concern in this matter and feel the common need to act. This through minor and major scaled events, workshops, and projects.

BNFBL is a national Network that unites Afro-Belgian organizations and collectives committed to the optimization of the mental, social and economical well-being of Black and Brown people in Belgium.

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Welcome to the tribe! - Karibu is a pan-African student association, situated in Leuven. The main goal of Karibu is to create a safe space that centers and celebrates the diverse cultures of students of African descent.

L'association MASSAMBA'S Help a pour but de venir en aide aux démunis ainsi qu'aux familles se trouvant sans abris ou dans un abris précaire.


Support blkowned belgium

We need you!

blkowned belgium is a voluntary initiative to help Black-owned businesses and organisations in Belgium. In order to maintain the website and grow further, we also need your support. Help us by making a donation or by following us on social media.

IN CONSTRUCTION: Qui sommes-nous
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