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Hairdressers: Programme

I'm originally from Congo born, and raised in Mechelen.


I started my own locks almost 6,5 years ago, since then i've been attracting people on the streets. When they saw me in the streets they started to ask me about my hair they were always amazed. That's how I started to do locks and since then the demands started to grow. 

It's something I love doing and the best thing I love about it is the process, to be able to see it grow and get shaped. It's like a plant, It's a long journey but a beautiful one!

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Blessed By Jenisty is a hair business that mainly specialises in wig services. We offer custom wigs, quality hair extensions and other hair services.

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Jennifer, nicknamed Jennah is an artisan wig maker (trained by Chrissy Bales and Glam Lace Paris) who offers quality hair extensions and also makes and poses your wigs for all kinds of occasions.


Latoma Hair and Beauty is an online hair store that sells luxury high quality wigs and hair extensions. Our company vision is to deliver luxury hair at honest prices, we see ourself as a price setter and not a price follower because we believe high quality products should be affordable for everyone. Latoma Hair and Beauty sets itself apart from its competitors with the quality and price of our hair!

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Zarragga Braids regroupe depuis 2016 une équipe de spécialistes du cheveux afro bouclés crépus et frisés. La vision de notre fondatrice Sandrine Nsita est axée autour de la santé du cheveu. Notre mission est de promouvoir celle-ci au travers diverses formations pour coiffeurs, coachings, conseils capillaires nous offrons aussi des services de coiffure sur mesure.

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